Spend four months making real progress on your book.
Both a class and a support group, Get Your Book Written! is designed to help you get your book written (or considerably written) over the course of four months.
With weekly lessons, daily encouragement, self-paced weekend workshop pdfs, dedicated question days, and the twin blessings of support and accountability, you will make real progress on your book.
This is for you if:
- You want to come up with an idea for your book and get it launched
- You have your idea but haven’t really gotten started yet
- You have lots of bits for your book but haven’t made much progress yet
- Your book has twisted and turned and you don’t really know where you are now
- You’ve gotten stuck and put your book aside
- You’re working reasonably well on your book but could use a boost
- You’re working quite well but love the idea of support and accountability
Get Your Book Written! will serve you well.
Start date: May 4, 2020
End date: August 29, 2020
Method of delivery: Email
Meeting times: Get Your Book Written! fits every schedule. You can be part of this support group whether you live in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Asia, or anywhere in the world
Perfect for: Novelists, graphic novelists, memoirists, nonfiction writers, playwrights, screenwriters, essayists, poets, content creators, bloggers, or anyone wanting to make real progress on their writing.
Cost: $475 for first-time participants, $325 for repeat participants
Please sign up now. Get Your Book Written! will fill up.
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