Creativity Coaching
Creativity coaching is a new profession that in recent years has attracted artists, writers, musicians, therapists, coaches and other interested individuals looking for a “path with heart” and a new revenue stream.
Hundreds of these individuals have trained with Dr. Maisel and there is now a solid contingent of creativity coaches offering their services in the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe, and around the world.
Dr. Maisel has worked with creative and performing artists for over forty years, first as a therapist and for the past thirty-five years as a creativity coach. During that time, he has written more than twenty books on the creative personality and the creative life, among them The Van Gogh Blues, about creativity and depression, Fearless Creating, about the place of anxiety in the creative process, Creative Recovery, about creativity and addiction, and Creativity for Life, a comprehensive look at the challenges that artists face.
His book Coaching the Artist Within is the first book on the art and practice of creativity coaching and his ebook Become a Creativity Coach!, available at this site, will help you decide if creativity coaching might be for you.
Many people are discovering that creativity coaching is exactly the work they had always wanted to do. This fascinating, heartfelt work is attracting mid-career artists, therapists wanting to break away from the medical model, and life coaches and other coaches looking for a resonant specialty. This may be exactly the profession you’ve been looking for.
Just as importantly, incorporating the principles of creativity coaching into your life will help you create more deeply and more regularly. If your goals are to create and to build a career in the arts, creativity self-coaching can help you achieve your goals. Dr. Maisel’s Creativity Coaching trainings have a self-coaching track for individuals wanting to learn creativity self-coaching principles and practices.
Dr. Maisel explains: “As I practice it and envision it, creativity coaching is one person offering soup-to-nuts help to another person who is trying to live a successful creative life. The creative client may have career concerns, creative blocks, psychological issues, relationship issues, or existential and spiritual crises, and may face a gamut of challenges that come from wanting and needing to create. A creativity coach expects all of this and is ready for all of this.
“An effective creativity coach is aware of the big picture: human nature, personality structure, the psychological makeup of creative individuals, the problems inherent in the work creative individuals attempt, the shape of the different intellectual and art marketplaces, and so on.
“When a client comes in, the coach joins with the new client, as one human being to another and one creative person to another, listens to what the client is saying, and makes observations and suggestions.
“Creativity coaching is not psychotherapy, but creativity coaches need to have psychological insight and acumen and recognize that psychology is on the table whenever one human being attempts to help another. But the coaching they offer does not represent itself as psychotherapy, any more than the mentoring or coaching that a good writing teacher or art teacher provides represents itself as psychotherapy.
“Many people have the desire to help others manifest their creativity and successfully negotiate the challenges that come with the artist’s life. You may be one of those people. Maybe you’re a psychologist, social worker, or family therapist. Maybe you’re a career counselor, consultant, or coach already. Maybe you’re an artist in one of the disciplines or someone who always meant to be an artist. Whatever your background, you probably never received any specific training in creativity coaching. Now that training is available to you and a profession exists to support you should you decide to travel down the path of becoming a creativity coach.”
If you would like to learn more about creativity coaching, please join Dr. Maisel for one of his creativity coaching trainings.