Individual Coaching
I provide individual coaching by the session. Each 45-minute session costs $145. I look forward to working with you!
My work is a blend of creativity coaching, existential wellness coaching, and relationship coaching. More simply, it is life coaching for folks exactly like you. You might find it a perfect fit.
The simple procedure:
1. Pay for a single session here.
2. Drop me an email to and let me know that you’ve paid.
3. I’ll then be in touch with details and next steps.
NOTE: Please do drop me that email after you pay. Sometimes payment information comes in without an associated email, leaving me with no way to contact you. So, do drop me that email, if you would. Thanks!
P.S.: I no longer provide “a year of coaching” or other coaching packages. Please schedule each session individually. See you soon!
Client Endorsements
“Without Eric Maisel’s guidance I would never have successfully negotiated the publishing process. With his help, I completed a substantial proposal, landed a good agent, and just signed my first book contract. His coaching has been specific, up beat, and has kept me on track.”
— Nancy Pine, educator and author of Educating Young Giants
“It’s been an unexpected joy to find someone as creatively supportive and encouraging as Eric. I didn’t know what to expect out of our sessions and each one is different, so there’s no feeling of formula or insincerity—one of my pet fears! It’s always fresh and interesting. In a word? Inspirational!”
— Christine Collister, international recording artist
“During my several years of working with Eric I found our bi-monthly conversations invaluable and wide-ranging. Eric’s insights have helped me with every aspect of my painting career, from the evolution of my market vision to strategies for self-promotion. I also found his help invaluable in feeding my creator’s soul!”
— Jonathan Herbert, painter and photographer
“Eric Maisel has given me the courage to re-establish a solid poetry writing practice, after losing touch with my creativity in academia, a practice that is now a nurturing and necessary daily habit. Via his expert mentoring and invaluable support, Eric continues to help me balance the left and right sides of my brain and keeps me grounded and productive as both an academic and a poet.”
— Charlotte Hussey, MFA, PhD
“I’m an executive coach, coach trainer and the author of Soul Purpose and Be Your Own Best Coach—and Eric Maisel is my coach. No one is better qualified to lead a creative person on his or her creative journey.”
— Jackee Holder, Be Your Own Best Coach
“Dr. Eric Maisel has an uncanny ability to immediately get to the heart of the matter. His insight has helped me to advocate for myself at a level I had always aspired to but had not quite obtained.”
— DY (University Professor)
“Eric Maisel is that rare individual who knows the exact right thing to say at the exact right time to best advance your art. His knowledge, intuition, insight, and humor are limitless. As a direct result of Eric’s coaching, my writing has blossomed, as has my belief in myself as a writer.”
— Judith Whelley, author
“I’ve coached thousands of clients, from high school students to business executives to Pulitzer Prize, Tony, and Academy Award winners. I’ve worked with some of the world’s best opera singers. I’ve written the book on mastering test anxiety. So where do I turn when I need a coaching tip of my own? To Eric Maisel. He is the best!”
— Ben Bernstein, aka Dr. B Performance Coach
“Eric quickly gets to the bottom of where you’re stuck and helps you move through it. My creative and financial productivity have kicked into completely higher gears. Eric’s own prolific, generous, innovative output—books, seminars, classes, one-on-one coaching—all work wonders.”
— Tamara Holland, playwright and artist
“When that time comes to walk into the uncharted land of your art dreams, there is no person who knows the workings of the creative mind or the treacherous topography of the creative journey better than Eric Maisel.”
— Pan Morigan, recording artist
“Eric leverages his formidable insights to give me concrete and specific advice on how to progress. He deftly identifies the issues that tend to sink most first-timers, thus speeding up my learning curve. This interactive learning process has lifted the quality of my writing tremendously.”
— Vegard Hasselberg, Norwegian novelist

“I began my first novel in one of Eric’s Deep Writing workshops, finished it in another, and quickly sold it for a lovely advance. Eric and his writing workshops have made all the difference in my writing life—as has his individual creativity coaching!”
–Eva Weaver, The Puppet Boy of Warsaw