Welcome! My name is Eric Maisel. Thank you for visiting my website!
You might like to join my worldwide community. Learn more about that opportunity here.
You might be interested in obtaining a certificate or diploma in creativity coaching. I’ve paired with Noble Manhattan Coaching to develop a program that might suit you beautifully. Learn more here.
I’m creator of and lead editor for the Ethics International Press Critical Psychology and Critical Psychiatry series. Come take a look at the series.
I provide a wide variety of services, trainings, workshops and products, including training creativity coaches via online trainings that begin each February, June and September. Explore this site to learn more!
My 50+ books reflect my interests in creativity, the creative life, life purpose and meaning issues, critical psychology and critical psychiatry, and mental wellness. My books include The Coach’s Way, Why Smart, Creative and Highly Sensitive People Hurt, Redesign Your Mind, The Great Book of Journaling, Coaching the Artist Within, Fearless Creating, The Van Gogh Blues, and The Future of Mental Health. Please enjoy this site!