Two announcements today:
I am part of a free masterclass series that may interest you. It’s called Ignite Your Creativity and Heal Your Limiting Beliefs: Learn 21 Strategies for creating love, joy and freedom using art and healing tools. This Artists of Transformation summit, hosted by mindfulness coach Stephanie Lau, starts this week, so grab your free seat now.
And I’d like to invite you to join an app development focus group. My app-partner Bharath and I continue to make excellent progress on the existential life organization app that we’ve been developing. I think it will be a life-changing app <smile>.
Bharath and I meet once a week for a lovely hour-and-a-half session in a sunny seating area between a Pete’s Coffee and a Noah’s Bagels in Danville, California, a charming town fifteen minutes from my home in Walnut Creek.
I hope you’ll decide to join our app focus group, where we’ll show off the app in its early stages and pick the brains of potential users (you). We have a Zoom focus group meeting planned for Friday, November 17 at 1 pm Pacific time and a second Zoom meeting planned for Wednesday, November 22, at 1 pm Pacific time. Come join the one that is most convenient for you.
If you’d like to participate, please come join our app focus group here. I hope that you will! No pressure, no obligation, just the chance to be of some help—and maybe get in on the ground floor of something that will serve you beautifully. Who knows, this could be huge <smile>.
Hi Eric, What a great idea. I think it’s much needed and wish you the best with your plans. I am not a candidate for the focus group, but I am interested and would love to blog about the aftereffects. I’m sure they will be encouraging, if not amazing. Let’s stay in touch.