I’m excited to invite you to a FREE online event where a group of experts, authors and journaling enthusiasts have come together to share specific insights, personal stories and practical strategies on how to use journaling to thrive during times of change and transition. The series is called How to Use Journaling to Thrive During Change & Transition—come listen and discover journaling tools, ideas and inspiration for your own journaling practice.
Lynda Monk, the Director of the International Association for Journal Writing, has put together this event featuring amazing speakers who have gone through lots of changes in their own lives. They share from their personal and professional experiences in ways that are sure to inspire you with new ways of understanding change. They will share specific ways to use journaling to not only navigate change but enrich your whole life! Oh, and I’m included!
The event takes place June 19 – 26. Completely free. Grab your seat now!
You had me at
Artist Who Journals
I’m in!
Of Course…