There are many diverse and complicated ways in which early trauma, recent trauma, and ongoing trauma affect your ability to create, influence your subject matter choices, and make living the creative life that much more difficult.
I am currently researching the relationship between trauma and creativity and would love to hear about your experiences and learn from your insights. Do you have a sense of how trauma has played itself out in your life and in your creative life? What, if anything, has worked for you with regard to healing? What ongoing challenges do you face? I’d love to hear anything you’d like to share. Send your thoughts to me at
Trauma is a word that some people use to say something about a negative way to know about a time in your life where you are in a dark brain. Light is something good in our brain. He have a realist world where our brain is the thing in out body where we think. If we think we are in a trauma we think Thatchers world we are living in is withought Love. Lovers just a word. The thing we call the past is not real. The future is not real. The present is not real. As an art painter, I know that the present is not real either. As an art painter Iknow that that good is not real. The bad is not real. As an art painter I know that to paint is to do something that Homosepien did about 70 000 years ago. To create art is to show yourself and others what the real world is. Life is not a trauma. We Are Born To Die is a great song by Lana Del Rey. She is a real artist who lives and creates in realism. So being a human and knowing about reality is to be alive. As we are alive till We die. we must know that the world trauma is just a world invented by capitalists who want to control free people. Hate, fear, sadness, forget, buy, many other words are just man made. To be or not to be is the real thing to think about. To trauma is just sounds put together to keep you from creating art.
Wow! Call this denial! Trauma exists and it is far from being the “appanage” of capitalism far from it. Anybody who knows about human history knows that. I find it very sad to deny the existence of it under what seems to be a “political statement again”. For me it is like denying those who have or are going through it -actually there are a lot of people being submitted to it these days – just think of all the wars that are going on and its effect on the people, this is only one example of one type of trauma – Denying their trauma is denying them the access to healing and this is just adding more on their pain. The only explanation I can find from your statement is that you must be suffering from a trauma. I am sorry for you.
I personnaly went trough more than one traumatic experiences during my life time and I was able to find a way to live with it, I do not think you can really get rid of it but you can learn from it – learn about yourself and about the other human. I am lucky to be an artist because art allows me to translate some of my unconscious baggage in too my painting and express it throughout my poetry.
Eric. I thought that what this so called Niki. wrote was something from you. I am very sorry about what I sent you because I should have sent it to this NIKI. The name Niki is what my brother was called. His real name was Nicolas. This Niki is an empty who calls himself an artist who paints and writes poetry. Real artists are realists.
Over the years trauma has fueled my art and my art has become a passion for life. I would not have survived without my art. It is my story and sometimes even serves as an inspiration to others.
Trauma is just a sound. Yes. Most people remember the past or part of the past in our life. So some of us remember things that took place and were what we call bad. Some of the things that we think as bad were bad to only us. I created a fire in my bed room when my parents went to see and prepare the house we were all going to move to. The man doing our garden put out the fire. When my parents came back to the house and saw the damage to my bedroom, my father took me into the bathroom, he locket the door, he made me take off my pants, and then he gave me about 8 belt bits. I remember this at times. Perhaps when I am painting or just walking. It is in my memory. I do not stop painting. I do not cry. I do not hate my father. I just remember this time in my past. It is not something I would call a trauma. This world some people use to remember something in the past is just a world. Do other animals have TRAUMAS ??? No. all animals have a brain where memories live. Some of the animals in our world paint. We, the people, sometimes paint. Art is something we have created and lived with since we became homo sapiens sapiens. Leonardo, Pablo, Vincent, and all realist art painters remember or remembered times in the life they had. They did not end up with a trauma. I will never call a memory a trauma. To be in a museum where there are 1500 people in front of the Mona Liza and it takes me about 50 minutes to be close to this master art painting does not traumatise me. I just make possible that the next time I am where she lives I will have a ticket to les me in the museum about 9 in the morning and walk fast the room where she and I will have a good close time together. I lost a dog when a car hit it. My dog was taken to a shop where my younger brother took him with out a leash. I miss my dog but I just have a memory about this day and I have a great love for all dogs I see. A trauma???? No. All of you people who use this world just to make yourself more hurt are just people who want to hurt more and more. So all you can do to grow up is just to grow up. Stop reading ideas that some people call trauma and think about the past as something that is not a reality. A realist art painter is a maker of images from what we have seen or felt. A dream is just a dream. Perhaps one of your dreams is a composition of things that took place in your past. Perhaps this dream is a surreal experience. By the way, SURREAL is not about things that do not exist. The composition of a surreal painting is just a painting of real things that are put together in a non real thing. An elephant with legs three times longer than the regular legs is just a painting of two real things together that are in a different composition. You could just not use the world trauma. I love to paint cherries. This year I have painted eyes. Both cherries and eyes are real things. The way I combine them in one painting is a realist art painting but it is not just like we see these things. I do not have traumas about the past, the present, or the future because what you call a trauma is just as unreal as abstract art. Abstract is a word used by gallery owners to call something that has been in the art sales world for about 100 years. All real art is realism. The world we all live in is just real. The people who use the world trauma to help people who believe that they have become hurt are just mind doctors who have been in this world making money controlling people whom they think need help. If you think that you have a trauma just call this a memory. Think about this memory and paint the images that are given you a man made feeling to your brain. Stop using worlds like god, hate, mind, soul, religion, and all the words that were invented by people who want to control other people. J L wrote IMAGIN. Hear this song and grow up.Black, white, brown, yellow, blue, and many other words are just words. Yes, a chocolate cake is brown . People are not brown. A writing paper is white but people are not white. A bird is black but people are not black. A sky is blue but people are not blue. I am blue is I AM SAD. So just think today of what is real and what is man made and you will stop using that short and cold world TRAUMA. I love dogs. I know that people created what we now call dog. A wolf was what all dogs were. People made dogs by changing wolves into dogs. Some people use the world trauma to make money using this world to make other people think that a therapist can help you get rid of what she or he calls something in our memory that hurts us. Surreal art is just something we cam make but surreal is a name of non real things or thoughts. So Lesa. Perhaps you will wake up and stop using this short word . Have a good day and future life.Pehaps the word life is just man made. Or perhaps it is woman made. See we use man made. We should use PAOPLE MADE
I suffer with ptsd and bipolar depression. I find that my artwork relieves some of that pain. Painting takes me to the land of opportunity and healing, so peaceful when painting.
Mary. Good morning. The light in the sky is what feeds artists. Realism is the real name for real art. Lana Del Rey has a very good and real song called Born to Die. Some people who live for more time than just a couple of hours might become art painters. My father lived to be 98 years old. He was a young man in his brain all of his life. He helped me study art. I am now 73 years old and the word trauma is not part of my vocabulary. Mary is a great name . In Spanish it is Maria. Mary is a historical name used by artist for a very long time. Leonardo changed from religious paintings to a realism that brought us his Mona… Mary. I am going to have dinner right now and I want to communicate with you more.
Your brain is living in a world where we could all go to. John Lennon wrote Imagine. I wish an art painter could paint with the realism J L used to tell us what we could be living in. In art painting there is an opportunity to become what you want to become. Look at all the realist art painters work. Please stay away from abstract art. Abstract art is about nothing real. Mary. If you want me to send you a photo of my realism please send me your email info. I think about cherries and I have been painting cherries since 1967. This year I am painting eyes. In your life there will be a day when you find the real thing you will paint and love thinking about the painting. Trauma is just a man made word. Make your words to name your paintings. At times I am not able to use paint to show my world what is in my brain. It sometimes takes a day or two to get in the light that is reflecting from what I want to see and then paint.
The grief I experienced from the death of my father played a huge role in my life. I started to express myself through art and ended up creating a nonprofit for others to be able to do the same
Through my experiences and exploration of materials I have been able to finally call myself an artist and I’ve been selling my work for over two years now.
I am a genius, an empath, and infj type personality, wonderfully kind, deep beautiful, sensitive and creative in personality and also a real man. That is that Marcus Aurelius Could Cry on My Shoulder and know that someone understands and cares. I know things that Einstein wondered about, guru’s and Mystics are all guessing just like you are. The world and its leaders are all older children at best and the world is a playground with no adult supervision.
As a poor child, I ate nothing but rabbits for years and in my bedroom a window pane was broken so that sometimes in the winter I woke up covered with snow. A lifetime can’t be shared in these few words, my father was an angry hurt man who was convinced that he was worthless, and my mother was worthless and made everyday harder for him. I had no friend because we lived in the middle of nowhere but a brother who hated me and told me once that every morning when he woke up his goal was to ruin my day. I went to a school with eight grades in three rooms, there was no one there interested in gaining or furthering education. There were only a few dozen books besides textbooks to learn from. My father, lost somewhere in his poor self-image and my mother lost in herself never had a single conversation with me and never knew me. When I was 9 years old I was obsessive compulsive spending my time Counting, pointing, rituals that I repeated over and over until I was about 16 and became schizophrenic. Suddenly I could no longer understand what people were saying. I was lost in a guessing game with a never-ending stream of thought that I couldn’t control going through my mind. My parents didn’t notice or didn’t care, I guessed my way through everything and every situation until High School graduation and then I was thrown into a society that cared less about me than my family. I spent 50 years on the bottom of socio-economic America, alone, afraid, hurt, dirty, hungry with a little funny smile on my face and a continual question mark above my head. I lived in a trash can, there was nothing good there. The opportunities that I had were trash, my experiences were trash, everyone I met, trash. I knew only three kinds of people, ones that purposely ignored me, people who ridicule me, and people who purposely hurt me physically and emotionally and stole anything and everything I ever manage to get. I had nothing, I had no one, and of course the worst for a loving person, there was no love.
May 10th of 2017 I was healed of schizophrenia in a church service miraculously. I came out of my box instantly. I went in the Box when I was 16 years old and when I came out of the box I was 65 with nothing in between worth looking back on. I wasn’t relieved when I came out of my box, I was angry, as angry as a person could get, suddenly realizing how bad I hadn’t screwed in life. I was constantly unceasingly enraged, screaming, crying, haking for almost 14 months while I tried to assume a real personality and trying to know who I am with no contact with another human except for a free online psychologist who treated me like I had a cold when I told him my problem, and charged me money. On my way to sanity I tried painting because I thought it was an experience with love. I found that art is only a doodle and only worth as much as a doodle unless presented in the right way to the right artless buyer.
Well, I call this trauma and the way it affects my art, is in every way, all the way, all the time.
I am 90% service-connected for Agent Orange and PTSD from my combat trauma and other U. S. Army service in Vietnam and Iraq. My art hearkens back, for the most part, to my childhood heroes and heroines as I pick media images to embellish digitally and share.
William. Art painters are free artists. The very few art painters today know that art is art. Cubist, Surrealist, and all other names gallery owners, art biers , art book makers, paint makers, and all people connected to the money making work with art. Art is just art. Paintings are what paintings are. The world abstract was invented just about 100 years ago. Art is just art. The very cold art dealers who call a nothing artistic abstract are just making money. I wonder if the art paintings you create are from your brain or from is called mind. Our brain is the thing in us that remembers out past. It helps us know the present. It thinks that there is a future. Trauma is just a human made world. We all can have a place in out brain where what we did or other humans did to us, or other things did to us, or we have good connections with the out side world. I know that very few art painters know that to talk about a trauma is to talk about something that mind doctors want us to think exist to make money for themselves. I hope you are a realist who knows that the past is not where we are. I paint cherries, eyes, humming birds, leaves, wood, clouds, mangos, pears, mountains, natural roads, lakes, waves, and many other real things. At times I paint faces. I think that None of the things I paint are just electrons in my brain. The past is not here so I do not paint the past. What I did or was done to me in the past is no longer in my brain. I place reactions in my brain that I can paint and not create other human’s ideas. John Lennon wrote the best song ever created. Imagine. I hope you have heard it and even sang it to your self. I was in Los Angeles when Vietnam was taking place. The Iraq war was a dark time for many people. Humans have killed other humans since we became humans. We were all from the first mater that changed into mater that changed into other mater and then changed into the first live mater. Homo Sapiens are what all of us are. The art we all see and try to do is a way to move to a place where we grow and become adults. Hate, fear, sadness, and many more negative realities are just in out brain. Love, warmth, good food, good songs, a good movie, a great painting in a museum, a soft and long dance, a birth of a child and many positive realities are what helps us grow. lana Del Rey wrote her first song when she was in New York. We are born to die was her best and first song. Get her songs and you will be taken to what is real. Trauma is just a word made by mind doctors. Freud was a very intelligent money maker. All the people who do what he created are just money makers. Trauma is what these so called doctors call some memories you have about bad things that you lived through. You are alive and when you wake up tomorrow all you must do is to live. Do not do what others want you to do. When art painters create a new painting that is not just a copy of another painting we are working with our brain for what we are.