Our many, many years of schooling dulls our imagination. During our school years, we’re obliged to regurgitate facts. When was the last time you really let your imagination run wild? When was the last time you said to yourself, “What would happen if I put a salmon and a skyscraper together?” or “I wonder what it would be like to walk on Pluto?”
We’re so trained to be reasonable and matter-of-fact that we can even feel a little ridiculous using our native imaginative powers. Give your imagination a workout and you’ll automatically become more creative! Today, say yourself “I wonder what fantastic thing wants to percolate up!” Write it, draw it, fabricate it, sing it, dream it. That’s how innovation is born.
It’s interesting that I got your e-mail and then I read and was wondering is this real. I’m a passionate artist who loves to create unique art in a unique style.
I never envision the end result nor do I plan to achieve certain look.
I don’t have any preset idea in mind as to what I want to create.
Every one of my art are done spontaneously yet intuitively.
I let my intuition guide my hand on the screen or paper to pick the colors, tone, shades, and shapes.
My art style is Intuitive Expression.
If you look at my art you may see if my work falls in the category as your talking about or not.
“Regurgitate” is the perfect word. One of the things that sticks in my mind from elementary school: we had to memorize the height of the Statue of Liberty. I’m so glad we did, because that knowledge has been such a critical factor in my success during a long career as a video producer and project manager. Indeed, some of that seemingly useless knowledge was actually not that useless after all. I treasure it. >>Alan 🙂