Beginning in the new year I’ll be offering daily creativity tips to folks in my private gathering space on I’ll also be chatting with folks, answering questions, and being of general help <smile>. Please come join my gathering! Here is the place to go:

This is a private, password protected space, so you will need to both create an account with and send me a request. But that privacy will serve us as we gather to chat about what really matters to us as creative folks. So I hope you’ll jump through those few hoops and come aboard!


If you’d like to hear me speak on my latest book Life Purpose Book Camp please take a peek at the following Bay Sunday television interview:


If you haven’t had a chance to look at Life Purpose Boot Camp yet, please take a look at its first reviews and maybe get yourself a copy!


And don’t forget that the next Life Purpose Boot Camp instructor training starts in January. To learn more:








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