Don’t miss my two new classes with the Academy for Optimal Living. One is called “Your Best Life in the Arts” and begins in October (and you can jump aboard after the start
date!) and the second is called “Noimetics: Bring Meaning to Life!” and starts in November. The Academy for Optimal Living is a fascinating learning environment and I’m certain these classes will prove rich and useful. Hope to see you there!
thank you for your knowledge and insight! I have just read “Van Gogh Blues” were you in my mind or what ? after the first chapter, I said to myself, “yeah, i’m not crazy, I’m just me”. Man you sure made me feel better right then and there. when I read the rest of book, it just blew me away, you knew me to nth degree. after a month of reading your book, i had to read it again and the second time around i even got more information that related to my creative life. thanks again for the life changing book im starting to read “Fearless Creating” . if you were here i would give you a great big hug for saving me from that deep hole that i was existing in (oops i do not think that ending the sentence with in is proper grammar but im not a writer….I am an artist!) It isnt scary anymore now i know im not crazy just having meaning issues Great Experience thanks again
I am halfway through the vangogh blues and finally understand my recurring voice that has been saying “whats the point” in the back of my mind for years. I just hope I now have the strength to do the work. Am looking for any creative buddies to communicate with as I am feeling very isolated in my work at the moment. Thankyou Eric. Louise
I happened to know something about Van Gogh Blues from a psychiatrist friend of mine whose regular habit is going through psychiatric kind of sites at least 2 hrs about midnight .
I was/am also enthused but only skepticism I feel is that this kind of books ,while reading and after sometime bring back all the emotional turmoils associated with cry for help.
I yesterday went through your RETHINKING PSYCHOLOGY in Amazon( abstract)and was spell bounded .Today just trying to take full responsibility for the past things brought me head ache and just think of the fear it has generated in me IF ONLY I have to take full responsibility to my future too.
I am a timid person by nature/nurture and my observations from the abstract alone is idiotic,FORGIVE ME.