“A Writer’s Paris proves inspirational, whether or not you’re planning to go to Paris or if you’ve already visited the city where many artists go to create. Not only does Maisel describe life as a writer on a Paris sojourn, but also the activities for a writer to do for inspiration.
“Substitute the places in Paris for the ones in your hometown or the country you plan to visit to write. While the book has recommendations for places to stay, along with a planning checklist, information on where to go, and other resources, its content provides plenty of inspiration and ideas that work anywhere.
“While the book’s purpose is to encourage writers to take a Sabbatical in Paris, it also easily inspires and motivates readers to create more and writer better. Maisel happens to use Paris as the central location for the book’s theme, taking time-out for deep exploration for writing. Paris or no Paris — writers can glean many things from this original book.
“Topics include writing books in three weeks, taking the bad with the good, practicing the art of strolling, dealing with and appreciating the absurd, making the cafe a home, overcoming barriers, engaging your senses, and more. The writing is superb and flows lyrically with the illustrations adding the feeling of going on a journey while reading the book.” – Meryl Evans, meryl.net
“A Writer’s Paris, a guided journey for the creative soul, is by Eric Maisel, the prolific and thoughtful writer, a San Francisco-based creativity coach and author of more than 25 books.
“This soft, lovely, illustrated book reminds us why we love Paris. In part, it is the allure of the intellectual traditions, of the time when George Sand, Gertrude Stein and Jean Paul Sartre roamed the cafés, when the life of a starving artist in a garret, eating one small café meal a day, was a reality for many famous writers. ‘Virtually any idea you can think of has been birthed or batted about in the studios, classrooms and cafes of Paris – it is the birthplace of the humanistic tradition,’ writes Maisel.
“For the dreamer, especially, A Writer’s Paris presents a way to think about your writing in a serious manner. What if you could save up the money, take six months off, and live in Paris as a writer? Maisel offers a six-month plan for writing a novel and a checklist with a sample day-by-day timeline to do just that.
“Can’t stretch the metaphor of being a writer in Paris to your neighborhood café? Maisel’s point, in part, is if the neighborhood café or McDonald’s is your reality, it’s a fine place to write. Whether you choose to put a writing plan into action in Paris, or San Francisco, another of Maisel’s writing destinations, the steps are the same: Nurture your writing desire; Articulate your goals; Have a timeline; Plan your writing projects; Create a routine… All very good advice whether you’re a writer in Paris or Portland.
“A Writer’s Paris includes a nice mix of tourism and history, with the hidden gems Maisel discovered during several long stays in Paris. Overall, this little book would make a special gift for a writer, or a well-deserved indulgence for the writer in you. ‘Bring your pad; bring a pen; the rest is easy.’” – blogcritics.org
“When I saw this book in my Writer’s Digest Book Club magazine just before my wonderful trip to a children’s writer’s conference near Paris, I didn’t hesitate a moment to order it. The book arrived soon after I returned home, and the fantastic and inspiring trip I had just finished made me enjoy the book all the more.
“Eric Maisel sets out to tell you why you should go and spend six months in Paris and write. He says, ‘One of the main challenges you face as a writer is writing regularly. Willing yourself to go to Paris—to write—is one way to meet this challenge. Just willing yourself to go isn’t enough—that would be a trip, an adventure, a vacation, but not what I have in mind. Going for the express purpose of writing and then writing when you get there are the kind of brave acts that can help turn your writing life around. . . . To travel to Paris for two weeks or six months and to actually write during that time is to change your relationship to your writing. It is to put your writing first.’
“I like the author’s digressions. For example, when talking about the perfect little parks of Paris, he says, “The reason a perfect park pierces the heart: Everyday life just isn’t beautiful enough. A picture-postcard park of this sort speaks to that lack. The mind instantly analogizes to other lacks: the gorgeous novel you may never write, the joyous love you may never find, the excellent writing career you may never have. This beautiful park is an earthly delight and also a slap in the face.”
“You will enjoy this book if, like the author, and like me, you feel that ‘A mere glimpse of a photo of a Parisian street causes us to feel both uplifted and bereft, thrilled by what Paris implies and saddened not to be living there right now. We do not have to list the reasons for the allure to get to the bottom line: Paris is the place to write. Since it is the perfect place to write, it is the perfect place to commit to writing.’ I know that my own trip to Paris, though not the same sort of trip Eric Maisel envisions, did help me take my own writing seriously and increased my commitment to my writing.” – Sondra Eklund, Sonderbooks Reviews