Danny Gregory, who illustrated my book A Writer’s Paris and who is well-known for his books and services, wanted me to let you know about the following: “Hi, Eric, I wanted to share a project with you that I am working on to help people during the quarantine. We are making daily drawing videos which we are sharing on FaceBook, YouTube and Instagram.” To learn more, take a peek here.
Also, you may find my free Daily Message of Hope group valuable during these difficult times. Some folks are having trouble signing up for it, so if you’d like to join just drop me an email to ericmaisel@hotmail.com, let me know what email address you’d like to use, and I’ll sign you up. Or you can try the following link, which may work for you (it does for most people):
Here’s one thank-you from a painter, Helen:
Hi Eric,
I would like to thank you for your thought of the day and encourage you to keep it up! I’m unexpectedly home today and in a bit of a whirlwind, so I really appreciated this positive note when I wasn’t really thinking anything positive or negative, but now something positive which reminds me to think the way I usually do! I am sitting here picturing spring and am grateful for it. The moment is good. And things will be ok.
Thank you,
So, come on board and get a little message of hope daily.