One of the things that became extra clear to me as I led workshops in London, at Esalen, at Kripalu and at Omega recently was how much ceremonies matter and can help—in your life and in your creative life.
By “ceremony” I just mean a small, mindful activity with a certain purpose in mind, whether that purpose is healing, getting to your painting, patching up a relationship, or anything important. The ceremony could be anything from lighting a candle to breathing-and-thinking in a certain way to something much more elaborate.
Many of you no doubt already use ceremony in your daily life. But some of you may never have discovered this helpful—and healing—practice. I invite you to think about creating ceremony this week. Is there some small ceremony that might help with some aspect of your life or your creative life?
If you’re a painter, for example, is there some ceremony that might help you get to the painting, get quiet and stay still, celebrate showing up, or help you get finished and move your artwork out into the world? If thinking about this seems like it might be of some use, do give it a few moments’ thought.
Maybe you’ll dream a ceremony up, try it out, and let me know how it went. I’d love to know. Just drop me an email to with your “results” <smile>.
The next three-month writing support group starts shortly in July. For more information and to sign up:
A Life Purpose Boot Camp instructor training also starts shortly in July. For more information and to sign up: