Deep Writing in London—May 4 – May 8, 2015

Come to London for Eric Maisel’s 2015 European Deep Writing Workshop!
Take a look at some past European Deep Writing Workshops
Read about the London Deep Writing Workshop as featured in Travel Secrets Magazine!
This will be a five-day workshop, Monday, May 4, 2015 through Friday, May 8, 2015, with an optional get-acquainted get-together on the evening of Sunday, May 3. The hours of the workshop are 10 am – 2 pm Monday through Thursday and 10 am – 1 pm on Friday, giving you a chance to experience a good bit of London as well!
What happens at a Deep Writing Workshop? You will receive really valuable lessons; you will write a lot; there is no sharing of the work or critiquing of the work; you will fall back in love with your writing; you will meet great, like-minded people; you will improve your writing habits; and you will deepen your writing commitment. And you get London!
There will no doubt also be some special activities like a group dinner, some plein air writing, and who knows what else! Each European Deep Writing Workshop has had some special moments and London 2015 will prove no exception!
The cost for the workshop is $595. All accommodations, meals, and travel are on your own. Group members who want to share accommodations will be able to make arrangements among themselves.
There is a $195 deposit per person. It is completely refundable until April 1, 2015. After that it can only be applied to another workshop or training. Full payment is due by April 20, 2015.
For endorsements of my recent European Deep Writing Workshops, please visit here
Don’t miss London 2015!