Last week we looked at three tips for asking for money. Here are three more! Read on …

Be affirmative, brief, and clear – the ABC rule!

How you ask for money is important. No one likes (or needs) lengthy pleas, whiny or negative pleas, or confused or confusing pleas. You should be able to ask for what you want and need in a couple of simple sentences. Say that you’re asking your great-aunt for money to help you buy frames for an upcoming show. This might sound like: “I have a wonderful upcoming show of my paintings at the Jones Gallery. But I could use some financial help to buy frames (the gallery doesn’t help pay for them at all!). $500 would help a great deal. I wonder if you’re able to help?”

Don’t talk yourself out of asking

You may decide to ask for money and then, out of guilt, embarrassment or self-doubt, talk yourself out of asking. Try to stand behind your initial intention! If you hear yourself saying, “But I’m not sure the work if really good enough” or “I shouldn’t bother him, he’s so busy,” immediately dispute that thought with a “No! I’ve decided to ask for this money and I will!” Keep reaffirming your intention even if your knees get a little weak.

Calculate how much you need

Calculate what you really need. Often we skip this step because we don’t want to see too clearly just how much money we really need. If you are asking for money to help with the framing of your paintings, don’t pick a low number out of the air: actually calculate what it would cost to adequately frame the paintings you have in mind. You may in the end decide not to ask a given individual for the full amount—but you need to know what the full amount is!


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