Invitation – Launch Team THE COACH’S WAY
I am thrilled to announce that my new book THE COACH’S WAY will be available wherever books are sold on April 18, 2023. In it I share exactly how coaches can conduct meaning-filled sessions — and how clients can best benefit from the coaching they receive. The book features techniques based on solid psychological and creative principles that are real-world tested to help anyone help others.
Reviews and marketing around the book’s publication date are essential, so I am working with my publisher, New World Library, to create a special launch team made up of volunteers who are willing to pre-order the book and post reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.
I would love for you to be a part of the team, and in addition to being among the first people to read the book, I will also send you a thank you gift as a token of my appreciation. You will get, as pdfs, both A Writer’s Paris and A Writer’s San Francisco, two of my favorite books of mine. You will love these <smile>. This is a very nice gift!
Step 1: Pre-order a print copy of the book from Amazon as soon as possible. You can buy it here: (If you’ve done this already, great!)
Step 2: Sign-up to be on my launch team by the end of the day on February 1, 2023. (A day or two late is okay <smile>!) Signing up just means letting me know (to that you are on board and that you pre-ordered the book, and letting me know what email address to use as part of this campaign.
Step 3: Receive the advance PDF copy of the book that my publisher will provide to you by email the week of February 6, 2023
Step 4: Read the advance PDF copy of the book.
Step 5: Post a review of the book on and When you receive the PDF copy, my publisher will give you a specific date range sometime after the publication date of April 18, 2023 to post your review based on the first initial of your last name.
And if you do….
As part of my thanks for your generosity, in addition to being one of the first people to read the new book via the free PDF copy of the book, I will send you A Writer’s Paris and A Writer’s San Francisco.
Please sign up only if you are committed to doing all of the above. Keep in mind that the launch team is limited to the first 100 people who sign up to be on my team.
Thank you for considering this request and for being a part of my community.