Artists’ Risks for Addiction

Addiction is a grave problem for many creatives. Can they still create while addicted? Many do. Countless creatives have managed to unleash their creative potential while in the throes of an addiction. Just visit any jazz club, rock-and-roll venue, after hours actors’...

How Dangerous is Red?

The following vignette is from my creativity coaching practice. ** Jack worked in grays. His skies were gray; his fields were gray; everything he did felt like a dark day in winter. Clouds hanging low, a storm coming … his paintings made you want to turn up the heat...

The Very Best Way to Procrastinate

Who doesn’t procrastinate? It’s a natural human tendency, given that the thing we need to do may be making us anxious, may feel too difficult to accomplish, may come with risks (like the risk of failure or the risk of exposure), may involve us stretching in...

The Manic Artist

I’ll be starting a mania study group in a week and I’d love to have you join it. This is a free group where I’ll guide us through some original ideas about mania. I hope that you’ll learn a lot from me, from yourself, and from one another. To join, drop me an email to...

Your Art Website in One Day

No, you can’t create your art website in a day. But you can create it sooner rather than later! Don’t get bogged down and throw up your hands, as so many artists do. Follow these ten tips and get going! 1. Don’t worry. You aren’t aiming for a perfect site! You may not...